Di sebelah kanan blog ini, di bahagian E-Bay section, terdapat link kepada senarai biskut yang kami jual setakat ini. Ia yang paling terbaru sekali. Jika terdapat perubahan atau pertambahan produk, kami akan postkan di sini.
Juga kami sediakan Download links jika anda ingin save senarai-senarai tersebut. Download itu boleh di dapati di section download. Anda juga boleh cetak atau promote kat kengkawan menggunakan gambar-gambar tersebut. Jika berminat nak jadi agen boleh SMS/Tel 016-275 8186 atau emel dotscookies@gmail.com. Balasan emel dipercepatkan kerana kami cek email setiap satu jam sekarang. Ikut mana selesa.
We put up the new update links to our products' list. It's currently the latest at this moment. We'll always update the list when there are changes made.
Besides the web links, we also provide links for you to download and save those lists. You can get it at the Download section. You can also print the list and may use it as promotional tools. If you are interested of becoming our agents, you can SMS/Call 016-2758186 or Email. We will check our inbox once in every hour. So, you may expect fast reply either way.